Blue Hour Goods

This project started with the label deign for Blue Hour Goods’ products: Tranquil Hour (herbal spray), Hora Azul (bath salts), Intention Candles, Creativity & Inspiration Incense and Blue Hour Aromatherapy Pillow.

The client’s aim was to emphasize the products’ handmade quality, their local California presence, and the brand’s peaceful character.

I have made communication materials for the brand’s social media: calendars to announce the month’s events, as well as flyers for each event.

Photography: Sadie Jean Spezzano

Client: Blue Hour Goods | Year: 2022 -

Product labels, 2022


Moodboards, 2022

May 2024 Events | Feed IG

May events 2024 | Stories IG

Options for the July calendar cover, 2024 | Feed IG

July 2024 Events | Stories IG (final & options)